Water Conservation Tips

Water Conservation Tips

In The Yard

  • Install shut-off nozzles on garden hoses. Help control unnecessary dripping and leakage, check hose and connectors for leaks and repair or replace leaky parts.
  • Be smart about irrigating your lawn. Water your lawn or garden before 8 a.m. and after 7 p.m. Watering at cooler times of the day reduces the amount of water that evaporates in the air.
  • Deep soak your lawn. When watering, allow for water to soak to the roots. Frequent light watering encourages growth of shallow roots that are not drought resistant.
  • Keep your grass at a water-saving length. When mowing the grass, set the blade so that the grass is cut at two or three inches high. This enhances root development with minimal watering.
  • Mulch around plants and gardens. Applying mulch keeps moisture in the soil, reducing evaporation, saving water, and helping plants grow.

In the Kitchen

  • Fill your dishwasher. Dishwashers use the same amount of water, whether they are full or not. Make sure to fill it.
  • Minimize use of the garbage disposal. Use your garbage disposal only when necessary, since it requires water to operate. Scrape off dirty dishes into a trash can before washing them.
  • Defrost food in the refrigerator. Plan ahead and use the refrigerator or microwave instead of under running water.

In the Bathroom

  • Periodically check all faucets, pipes, and toilets for leaks. A dripping faucet can waste up to 15 gallons of water a day, or 105 gallons a week.
  • Install water saving showerheads. Low-flow showerheads are relatively inexpensive compared to older showerheads, and deliver 2.5 gallons of water less each minute.
  • Shorten showers to conserve water.
  • Check your toilets for leaks. A leaky toilet can waste over 100 gallons of water each day. Once a year, remove the tank cover and add ten drops of dark food coloring to the water in the tank. After 15 minutes, check to see if the color has leaked into the bowl. If you see any color, your toilet has a leak and should be repaired.
  • Install a low-flow toilet. Ultra low-flow toilets use only 1.6 gallons of water per flush, and can cut indoor water use by 20%.
  • Don't use the toilet as a wastebasket.
  • Install low-flow faucet aerators. Older faucets use between three and seven gallons of water per minutes. Aerators can be screwed into existing faucents, saving water.
  • Fix leaking faucets immediately. Small faucet leaks can waste 20 gallons of water a day, and larger leaks can waste hundreds of gallons.
  • Turn off the water while shaving, brushing teeth, etc. Conserving water in this way can save three to seven gallons per minute.

In the Laundry Room

  • Select the appropriate water level for each load of laundry.

Throughout the House

  • Reuse fish tank water. Use fish tank water on your household plants or garden. You can save water and fertilize plants.
  • Reuse dehumidifier water. Use the water that collects in dehuminidiers to water household and garden plants.
  • Sweep debris, do not spray them. Use a broom to clean your driveway and sidewalks rather than a hose. Hosing off a driveway can waste hundreds of gallons of water.