Smith Center Land Bank
The Smith Center Land Bank has the primary responsibility and authority to efficiently acquire, hold, manage, transform, and convey abandoned, tax-foreclosed, or otherwise under-utilized or distressed properties back into productive use.
The SC Land Bank is an independent agency and instrumentality of the City of Smith Center. The Board of Trustees is currently the Smith Center City Council.
Property Donation
Donation of property to the Land Bank allows for the Land Bank to become responsible for all code violations and maintenance issues on the property. The owner is relieved of back taxes and may receive some income tax benefit from the donation (check with your tax advisor).
To donate property to the Land Bank, please see the donation process guide and property donation form.
Property Purchase
The Smith Center Land Bank is accepting bids on the following parcels. The minimum purchase price for all land bank properties is $500.00.
Properties Available
200 E Kansas
Vacant Lot, currently zoned residential. Frontage 68 ft, Depth 84 ft.
619 S Lincoln
Vacant lot, currently zoned residential. Frontage 75 ft, Depth 168 ft.
209 S Main
The process to purchase Land Bank properties include Application, Board of Trustees, Public Notice, Development Agreement, and Closing and Deed Transfer.
Interested persons must read through the Property Purchase Process Guide and use the Land Bank Purchase Application at the bottom of this page, under Related Documents. Copies can be picked up and applications returned to the Smith Center Economic Development office, 219 S Main Street.
Vacant Commercial Property
209 S Main St
Smith Center, Kansas 66967
1,700 sq ft vacant commercial building
Vacant Residential Lot
200 E Kansas Ave
Smith Center, Kansas 66967
vacant residential lot
Vacant Residential Lot
619 S Lincoln
Smith Center, Kansas 66967
vacant residential lot
Related Documents
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the Smith Center Land Bank acquire property?
The Smith Center Land Bank acquires property through purchase, donation or tax foreclosure.
What types of property are held by the Smith Center Land Bank?
Three types are parcels are held:
- Parcels with a structure: existing structures including homes, garages, and businesses.
- Buildable parcels: parcels of land without any free-standing structures before purchast, where structures such as houses or other large buildings can be built.
- Non-buildable parcels: parcels where houses or other large buildings cannot be built, but garages, fencing, paving, or other similar structures can be built.
Who manages the properties in the Smith Center Land Bank?
The Smith Center Land Bank Board of Trustees oversees the Land Bank, which is administered by the Economic Development Director under a strict code of ethics and clearly defined policies and procedures that ensure there are no conflicts of interest.
How can I purchase a property from the Smith Center Land Bank?
Properties available for sale will be posted on this webpage. No properties are available at this time. A property purchase application will also be available once there are properties listed.