Public Transportation

The SC Public Transportation Community Connection is operated by the City of Smith Center, serving residents and guests of our community as well as county wide, traveling up to two hours away, Monday through Friday from 8am to 4pm.  This service is funded in part by the KDOT General Public Transportation Program and FTA. 

To schedule a ride:  City limits service-785-620-7526; County and extended area service (direct)-785-282-4248, to schedule for the County and extended service, call the offices at 785-282-3812.

Questions? Call 785-282-3812

Are you needing to run some errands?  The transportation vans are available to take you to the grocery store, post office, library, dining establishments, retail stores, school, medical appointments, enjoy conversation and a meal at the Srader with Homestead Nutrition, visit a family member or friend....the destinations are almost endless, including anywhere within Smith County!

Did you know that you can schedule to enjoy some scenic time around our area? Feeling the sunshine through the windows while enjoying a ride through the countryside; taking the scenic route to visit Home on the Range, the Dane G. Hansen Museum, the Garden of Eden, the Little Red School House, see the sunshine glisten off the water at one of the area lakes - just a few ways to spend part of your day while we do the driving for you!

Cost:  City Van: $1 per one-way ride OR Discount Tickets can be purchased saving you $0.25 per ride; County Van:  $2.50 per one-way/$5 round trip ride to locations within 60 miles of Smith Center; or $4 per one-way/$8 round trip to locations over 60 miles from Smith Center. Discount Tickets can be purchased to bring the cost of each ride down even more!   Tickets may be purchased from the driver or at the City Office and are available in increments of 10, 20, 30, and 40 rides.

CHECK THIS OUT!!  Ride Connect is a program inspired and driven by donations and grants to give those eligible the opportunity to receive transportation at a reduced rate.  If you are interested in applying, the form is below; or request a form via email at; or call 785-282-3812. 


Public Transportation services are available to all.  No preference is given to riders based on income, age or disability.  Riders are served first come, first served.  Our vans are also wheelchair accessible.

SC Public Transportation is thrilled to have completed our expansion throughout the county to better serve individuals and businesses in our area.  




Contact Info

Jill Conaway
City Clerk/Transit Manager
119 W. Court St.

Kim Maudlin
Assistant Transit Manager
119 W. Court St.